Chevening Alumna combats gender-based violence in Nigeria
2018 Chevening Alumna Sarah Egbo is leading groundbreaking efforts to eliminate sexual and gender-based violence on higher education campuses across Nigeria.
Busayapa Srisompong is an inspiring Chevening Alumna who founded SHero Thailand, an organisation dedicated to eradicating domestic violence in the country.
“After completing my bachelor’s degree in law, I made a significant career shift towards human rights advocacy. My focus is on ensuring access to justice, particularly for marginalised communities who are most affected by inequality and discrimination.”
Busayapa’s perspective broadened when she decided to leave Bangkok, spending years working directly with migrant, stateless, and refugee populations along the Thai-Myanmar border.
“It was through this experience that I became a passionate advocate against gender-based violence, an issue often overlooked in both national and global political discourse.”
The master’s program she pursued through Chevening provided the perfect blend of international politics, human rights, and law, aligning seamlessly with her career aspirations. “I studied at the University of Glasgow, one of the UK’s most esteemed institutions.”
“The importance of studying human rights cannot be overstated. We must nurture a new generation of advocates dedicated to upholding the rights and freedoms of the oppressed.”
During her Chevening year in the UK (2019/2020), the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic shifted her programme to online learning. Despite these challenges, Busayapa successfully built connections with local advocates focused on addressing gender-based violence and conducted workshops on campus.
While in the UK, she became familiar with its comprehensive legal framework, which recognises concepts such as coercive control and sextortion. “Although there is still much to be done, the UK government actively supports domestic violence initiatives by providing funding for shelters and aid organisations nationwide.”
As domestic violence cases surged globally during the pandemic, Busayapa recognized that many in Thailand were struggling to access adequate support. In response, she founded SHero Thailand in 2016 to advocate for a survivor-centred approach to gender-based violence and to highlight domestic violence as a critical human rights issue.
“Shero is building a collective of lawyers and volunteers dedicated to supporting survivors, prioritising their safety, well-being, and trauma-informed care. So far, we have assisted in over 300 domestic violence cases.”
2018 Chevening Alumna Sarah Egbo is leading groundbreaking efforts to eliminate sexual and gender-based violence on higher education campuses across Nigeria.
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Kanta Singh has dedicated her whole career to tackling issues of gender inequality. In 2019, she embarked on the Chevening Gurukul Fellowship for Leadership and Excellence. The programme allowed her to expand her network and capacity even further to help her on her mission to build a more equal India, one girl and one voice at a time.