Planning your finances

Our guide to stipend payments, additional payments from Chevening, and opening a UK bank account.

Your Final Award Letter (FAL) outlines all financial components of your Chevening award. Click on the expanding arrows on this page to find an explanation for these financial components.

Chevening stipend (living/maintenance allowance) 

Your stipend should cover basic living costs in the UK, including accommodation, meals, personal expenses, phone bills, daily travel, and required course resources. This also includes NHS health charges such as prescriptions, dental treatment, and opticians.  

There is a higher stipend rate for scholars in the London metropolitan area due to increased living costs.

You should contact your Programme Officer immediately for any stipend-related problems.

  • First payment: Your first stipend payment will be credited to your cash card, which will be distributed at your pre-departure event. This will cover September and October stipends and your arrival allowance. Please refer to your Final Award Letter to see if these payments form part of your scholarship. Please budget your first month’s expenses carefully. You will not receive your next stipend until the end of October.
  • Subsequent Payments: All following payments will be directly deposited into your UK bank account at the end of each month, to cover the following month’s expenses. This is why it is very important that you set up your UK bank account as soon as you arrive in the UK. See guidance on setting up a UK bank account 
  • Final stipend payment: The date you receive your final stipend payment will be based on the last day of your course or your departure date, whichever is earlier. Once we know your departure date, your last stipend will be calculated accordingly so please be aware this may be less than other stipends you have received (see information on pro-rated payments below). 

Stipend payments are typically credited within three to four days of payment. You will receive a remittance via email from the Chevening Secretariat (or the British Council, our host organisation).

Payments are adjusted for the actual number of days you are on award. For example, if your course started on 17 September, you would receive a prorated stipend for the remaining 13 days of September.  This will also be the case at the end of your award. 

Your first payment from Chevening will be put on a cash card. You will receive instructions on when you will receive your cash card and how to activate it from your Programme Officer closer to your travel date.

The Chevening Secretariat schedules the emailing of the activation guide based on scholars’ arrival dates in the UK. Do not panic if your fellow Cheveners have received this email before you.

If you lose your card, follow the instructions in the FAQ document sent with your card. The cash card is your personal property and it is your responsibility to look after it accordingly. 

For any technical issues, Chevening Scholars should use the technical helpline phone number printed on the back of the cash card. Your Programme Officer cannot provide technical support.

Stipend payments will stop if your university confirms that your course will end earlier than expected or if you return home before course completion. In some cases, the Secretariat may suspend your stipend. Reasons include: 

  • if you do not comply with the terms and conditions of your scholarship; 
  • If you are absent from the UK for longer than 30 days in total during your award; 
  • If you elect to return home early for any reason. 

Such instances will be resolved on a case-by-case basis. Always contact your Programme Officer with any queries. 

Additional payments from Chevening 

Alongside your stipend, Chevening also makes various other payments to scholars. Please check your Final Award Letter to see whether you are eligible for the additional payments listed in this section. 

Covers initial expenses upon arrival, such as excess baggage and transport to your university. You will receive this allowance on your cash card.  

Additional travel cost coverage for mandatory Chevening events, applicable to scholars outside London. You will receive this allowance on your first cash card payment if eligible. 

Covers excess baggage costs for your return flight. You will receive this allowance with your final stipend payment, after confirming your flight booking with our designated travel agent.  

Approved fees will normally include fees for tuition, exams, and use of a laboratory. If your scholarship covers the tuition fee, your university will invoice the Chevening Secretariat directly. If you receive a request for fees which should be covered by your scholarship, please forward this to your Programme Officer. They will check with your university.

You must pay for any university or college clubs you join, including the Oxford and Cambridge unions. You are also responsible for your own accommodation and living costs.

Opening a UK bank account 

The cash card you receive at the beginning of your award is intended as a temporary measure to use until you open a UK bank account.  

Once you have arrived in the UK and have your BRP (Biometric Residence Permit), we expect all scholars to open a UK bank account as soon as possible and share your bank details with your Programme Officer via the form that they share with you. 

This means that all future payments from the Secretariat will be made to your UK bank account and not your cash card. Stipend payments may be withheld if a bank account is not opened by the end of October. 

Please note that the Chevening Secretariat cannot help you transfer your remaining cash card balance to your bank account. You must seek assistance from your the cash card’s technical support team directly.

  • You can open a basic bank account at most UK banks. It is your choice which bank to use. We suggest comparing different banks and asking your university for advice. The Chevening Secretariat cannot tell you which bank to choose.
  • If you need a Sharia-compliant account, check banks’ websites. Some UK banks offer these accounts.
  • We can accept bank accounts held at online banks, such as Monzo or Revolut.  
  • After you have opened a bank account in the UK, always tell your bank if you change your address. 
  • If you are leaving the UK for a long break, or travelling outside the UK and using your ATM card, you should tell your bank so they don’t block payments. 
  • Please note that if a bank offers to upgrade your account, this may incur a monthly charge, so please choose carefully. 
  • If you’re having problems proving your identity when opening a bank account follow the advice of  Money Advice Service. 

Read the UKCISA advice for further guidance on setting up a bank account in the UK. 

DO NOT send your bank details in an email to your Programme Officer under any circumstances, for data protection reasons. 

Accepting additional income or scholarships from other sources 

The FCDO reserves the right to reduce a Chevening award or withdraw a scholarship in instances where scholars are beneficiaries of other significant awards, prizes, or earned income.

You must not accept any other form of publicly-funded award during your scholarship, and should not normally accept additional funding for purposes already covered by Chevening. You will be required to disclose on your application form whether you have applied, or intend to apply, for any other scholarships or awards. You may retain funding or other benefits not specifically covered by your Chevening Scholarship and you may continue to be in receipt of a salary from your past employer during your scholarship.

In certain circumstances, you may be in receipt of additional funding originating from either abroad or from within the UK during your Chevening Scholarship. In such cases the following rules will apply to extra income:  

  • Up to and including £3,000 over a 12 month period, will not be subject to a deduction 
  • In excess of £3,000 and up to and including £7,000 will result in a £250 deduction in monthly stipend 
  • In excess of £7,000 and up to and including £10,000 will result in a reduction to half the stipend rate 
  • In excess of £10,000 will NOT generally be allowed unless such funding is to cover a scholar’s contribution where an award is subject to a fee cap or is a part award.

We hope you found the information on this page useful. Further support on preparing for Chevening and life in the UK can be found at the links below.

Further support