60 seconds with the International team
We caught up with Programme Officers – International, Rebekah Palmer (left) and Amy Mitchell-Bell (right) to find out what they do, and what they’re currently working on at the Secretariat.
Chevening: Tell us a bit about what the programme team – international does:
RP and AMB: We provide support to British embassies and high commissions around the world in administering Chevening Awards in their countries. This includes support with marketing, selections, alumni, and keeping them updated on their scholars. We manage the application process until candidates are selected and handed over to the programme team – UK at the Chevening Secretariat.
What will keep you busy over the next few months?
In January, we sent longlisted applications to the relevant British embassy or high commission. They then informed us which applications they had shortlisted for interview and we scheduled interviews for the shortlisted candidates. Interviews have just started, and run until May. Next we will move on to budgeting and notify the successful candidates before handing them over to their programme officers – UK.
What’s your favourite part of the job?
I enjoy getting to know more about the countries we are working with. I like hearing about how alumni are making an impact in their chosen fields and how Chevening has helped them to achieve their goals. Sometimes we are lucky enough to travel to the British embassies and high commissions that we work with to provide support at different stages of the Chevening application cycle.