Chevening Alumni are high level professionals: experts, managers, analysts, etc. But they can also have real fun… once they are in a right party!
For Chevening Alumni in Russia, the ‘right party’ took the form of the Chevening Summer Fest, an informal alumni gathering that takes place to celebrate the warm season and cheer on the Chevening network. This year’s Fest had a fun and magical twist: a Harry Potter theme.
The Fest took place at the British Ambassador’s Residence in Moscow, a beautiful 19th century building located in the very heart of the city – perfect as a replica of Hogwarts. Chevening Alumni and the Association’s partners arrived at the event dressed as Gryffindor’s students, witches, magicians, fairies, and even elves!
The guests enjoyed a wide range of activities during the evening, from listening to stories at the Charity Story Shop to participating in a quest to find the Residence’s hidden secrets. Guests also enjoyed creating their very own wands, pins and Harry Potter glasses, and of which had kindly been 3D printed and chipped by the association’s partners.

The high point of the Fest was the awards ceremony for the Russian Chevening Alumnus of the Year. This year’s award went to Lyubov Zolotova (2006), an artist and English language teacher, who organised a series of cultural projects and events in 2017-2018 to develop British–Russian relations.

The Chevening Alumni Summer Fest has become an annual tradition that everyone is highly enthusiastic about. It is not only an incredible chance for strengthening the community, but an opportunity to greet Chevening Alumni Association’s partners and discuss ideas for new projects. We’re already looking forward to next year’s Fest!