Last month, over 40 people took part in the ‘Bring a Future Chevener Hike’ in the Khomas Mountain on Farm Godeis.
Organised by the British High Commission Windhoek and the Chevening Alumni Association of Namibia, the hike served as both a mentoring and information-sharing opportunity. Each alumnus was invited to bring along an individual with the potential to become a Chevening Scholar so that they could learn more about studying in the UK with a Chevening Scholarship.

Through a guided tour by plant experts, the hike also raised environmental awareness and increased conservation knowledge among the participants, with a special focus on medical usage of local plants in times of climate change.
In addition, the hike brought together the members of the Chevening Alumni Association Namibia and associated partners such as Petrofund. It provided a unique networking opportunity and promoted team-building among alumni from various age groups and career fields. Two members of the association, Phanuel Kapaama and Abelene Boer, led the alumni in establishing a plan of action for the future.

The hike was sponsored by Chevening Alumni Project Fund, Maerua Superspar, and Standard Bank Namibia.