News and blogs

The Chevening community extends to all corners of the globe. Here is the latest news on what is going on in the Chevening network, and blogs from members of our community.

The Future of Autonomous Vehicles: A Q&A with Dr Marco Cecotti

by Nick Yap, Chevening Social Media Ambassador

We have all been there before. Stuck in the heart of a metropolitan city centre during the peak rush hour in gratuitous gridlock traffic. You dial-up the volume of the radio and hear the DJ discussing the latest news in technology, and ironically the topic of self-driving cars is brought up. You swear to yourself […]

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UK events in February

London Pancake Day 25 February Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is traditionally when people used to clear out their cupboards of anything sweet before Lent (a period of fasting before Easter) which is why we indulge in this treat! Try them out at one of London’s many fabulous restaurants, some ideas of where to go can […]

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Six ways I celebrated the holiday season: the Scotland edition

by Chevening Scholars - Class of 2019,

For some scholars, the holiday season is defined by staying at home with the comforts they are used to, for others, it is by travelling. For these scholars, the holiday season was defined by their decisions to spend it in Scotland! Whether it be to partake in Hogmanay in Edinburgh, the traditional Scottish New Year’s […]

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Being a woman in aviation, in Wales

by Lerined Sanchez, Chevening Scholar, Aviation Engineering and Management

You will know that you’ve arrived in Wales once you see the incredible greenery and the breathtaking mountains that make you feel like you are inside a film. Living in Wales is a life changing experience that every student should live and you can expect many things when you come to live here. For example, […]

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Eight ways I celebrated the holiday season

by Chevening Scholars - Class of 2019,

December. A month that can be defined by a variety of holiday celebrations across the world including Christmas, Hanukkah (month dependent), Yule, Yalda, and of course, New Year’s Eve. For Cheveners, it is also a break from university between terms which means, ample time to explore the UK, create new traditions, and form new friendships […]

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Five times the British weather has let me down

by Chevening Scholars - Class of 2019,

After around an eight month application process from start to finish, Chevening Scholars finally arrive in the UK in September/October – also known as autumn. And spring, summer, and/or winter depending on the day. A common message people in the UK send to one another is, ‘what is the weather like where you are?’, because […]

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UK events in December

South West England Clearwell Caves’ Christmas Grotto (29 November – 24 December) If you’re looking for a unique and unforgettable Christmas experience, then you won’t find a quirkier attraction than Clearwell Caves. Wrap up warm and visit Father Christmas in his Grotto located underground in the 4,500 year-old mine caves. From the old mine tracks […]

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