News and blogs

The Chevening community extends to all corners of the globe. Here is the latest news on what is going on in the Chevening network, and blogs from members of our community.

Learning what type of leader I am

by Kanta Singh, Country Programme Manager, UNWomen India

Running for over 20 years, the Chevening Gurukul Fellowship for Leadership and Excellence is the UK Foreign Office’s flagship fellowship programme for India aimed at mid-career professionals who are ready to take the next step in their journey towards leadership. My experience as a Chevening Gurukul fellow Over the 25 years I’ve spent working on […]

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Six ways I celebrated the holiday season: the Scotland edition

by Chevening Scholars - Class of 2019,

For some scholars, the holiday season is defined by staying at home with the comforts they are used to, for others, it is by travelling. For these scholars, the holiday season was defined by their decisions to spend it in Scotland! Whether it be to partake in Hogmanay in Edinburgh, the traditional Scottish New Year’s […]

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Being a woman in aviation, in Wales

by Lerined Sanchez, Chevening Scholar, Aviation Engineering and Management

You will know that you’ve arrived in Wales once you see the incredible greenery and the breathtaking mountains that make you feel like you are inside a film. Living in Wales is a life changing experience that every student should live and you can expect many things when you come to live here. For example, […]

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Eight ways I celebrated the holiday season

by Chevening Scholars - Class of 2019,

December. A month that can be defined by a variety of holiday celebrations across the world including Christmas, Hanukkah (month dependent), Yule, Yalda, and of course, New Year’s Eve. For Cheveners, it is also a break from university between terms which means, ample time to explore the UK, create new traditions, and form new friendships […]

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CAPF grant leads to a discussion about transitional justice in Venezuela

The Chevening Transitional Justice Forum took place in Caracas at the end of 2019, with the intention of discussing ways to tackle the obstacles to justice in society. Chevening Officer Angel Blanco gives us an account. On 21 and 22 November, the British Embassy in Caracas carried out the Chevening Transitional Justice Forum in Venezuela, […]

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