News and blogs

The Chevening community extends to all corners of the globe. Here is the latest news on what is going on in the Chevening network, and blogs from members of our community.

60 seconds with Emma Mastin

by Programme team – UK, Chevening Secretariat

Can you tell us a little bit about what Chevening’s Systems and Evaluation team does? In a nutshell, we deal with data! We work closely with the other teams in the Secretariat to improve the quality of data we hold through data reconciliation, cleansing, and entry. We use a number of systems to both store […]

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Putting children and youth at the heart of development

by Chevening Alumni Office, Chevening Secretariat

The Rebecca Dykes Chevening Scholarship was created in memory of British government worker Rebecca Dykes. Prior to her death, Rebecca had worked as a programme and policy manager for the UK’s Department for International Development in Lebanon, working to improve the lives of refugees and vulnerable host communities throughout the country. The new scholarship, named in […]

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A magical night for Chevening Alumni Russia

by Maria Petrenko, Chevening Alumna

Chevening Alumni are high level professionals: experts, managers, analysts, etc. But they can also have real fun… once they are in a right party! For Chevening Alumni in Russia, the ‘right party’ took the form of the Chevening Summer Fest, an informal alumni gathering that takes place to celebrate the warm season and cheer on the […]

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Creative technologies for the common good

by Chevening Alumni Office, Chevening Secretariat

As a Chevening Alumnus, you are part of a 50,000 strong network of global leaders, influencers and change-makers. We often celebrate outstanding individual alumni who are leading in their country or sector, but today we’d like to introduce you to two alumni who have pooled their skills and talents together to make a positive change […]

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Equality is a key factor for sustainable development

by Lucky Belinda Niko, Chevening Alumna

I recently started working for a Spanish NGO called TATU Project. The organisation is based in the communities of Msitu wa Tembo and Londoto located in Simanjiro district in Northern Tanzania. ‘Tatu’ is the Swahili word for ‘three’. The organisation conducts several community development projects while focusing on three pillars: Empowerment, education, and environment. I […]

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Tech giants join fight against fake news in Brazil

by Eduardo Mack, Chevening Officer, Brazil

In August 2018, Cheveners in Brazil embarked on an innovative project to discuss one of today’s most fascinating trends – fake news. It’s an issue of interest to alumni all over Brazil, but due to the size of the country, getting everyone together in one place for an event is a challenge. The solution? Run […]

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Work experience: Four key points to help you apply

by Catriona MacArthur, Programme Officer – International

Hello! I’m Catriona, a Programme Officer – International at Chevening. Last year, we held a number of themed Q&A sessions. In relation to work experience, we noticed a number of recurring questions, which we have summarised below. (1) All applicants must have worked at least 2,800 hours to be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship. This equates to […]

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UK events: September 2018

by Programme team – UK, Chevening Secretariat

LONDON Proms in the Park 2018 8 September Experience the grand finale of the two month-long BBC Proms classical music festival, with live music, fireworks, and much more. Grab a couple of friends, a blanket, and some snacks and head to Hyde Park to enjoy an atmosphere you’ll never forget. Visit their website  London Brunch […]

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Twenty-one of the most British things that I’ve spotted whilst in the UK

by Chevening Scholars - Class of 2018,

A quick online search for ‘the most British things’ brings up a vast array of Britishisms but the most common seem to be: saying sorry, queueing, (bad teeth), separate hot and cold water taps, roast dinners, and tea and crumpets with the Queen. Naturally, everyone in the UK has tea with the Queen at least […]

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Scholar blog - most British things