How to manage conflict

Navigating different perspectives is an inevitable part of life. Do it well and it can be the key to achieving your goals. Read our guide to managing differences and becoming the best leader you can be.

Is conflict inevitable?

Differences in perspectives, communication styles, and objectives can often lead to disagreements and misunderstandings. But conflict doesn’t have to be negative.

When managed effectively, conflict can lead to innovation, deepen connections, foster creative problem-solving and provide valuable opportunities for growth.

This guide aims to help you navigate conflict, explore effective resolution strategies and turn challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.

Key strategies for conflict resolution

1. Active listening

Effective conflict resolution starts with truly listening to and understanding the other person’s perspective without interruption or jumping to conclusions.

2. Communicate with empathy

Empathy can defuse tension and build trust, helping both parties work together towards a resolution.

3. Focus on interests, not positions

People often become fixated on their stance in a disagreement. Instead, explore the underlying interests or needs that are driving both sides, which will help to reveal common ground and lead to a more collaborative solution.

4. Negotiation

Aim to reach solutions that benefit both parties. Be prepared, flexible, and open to compromise. A successful negotiation doesn’t require one side to lose.

5. Stay in control

Reacting emotionally can escalate the situation, making it harder to resolve. Stay calm, manage your emotions, and aim to approach the conflict with clarity and reason.

Learning opportunities

Here are 5 free courses to help build these crucial skills, offering practical strategies and insights to equip you to handle workplace conflicts with confidence and success.

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