Eligible course criteria
Which courses are eligible for Chevening Scholarships, and which are not?
You can let us know which courses are missing when the next application window opens.
Only courses that are UK-based, full-time, start in the autumn term, and lead to a taught master’s qualification are eligible for a Chevening Scholarship, therefore only courses that have been deemed eligible will appear. Read more about eligible courses here.
Our analysis of your queries shows that most ‘missing’ courses are actually already in the database, so here are some top tips for checking. Please only submit a query if you’ve followed these guidelines and are still sure that your course is missing.
We request and process your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.
You must submit course queries before 12:00 UTC on Wednesday 27 October for them to be considered before applications close.
More helpful information for your application
Which courses are eligible for Chevening Scholarships, and which are not?
Use our bespoke course finder to search for eligible courses for your application
With so many courses on offer, how do you decide which courses or universities to choose?