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- About us
- Accessibility notice
- Advocating for a woman’s right to choose: A Cheveners story
- Apply
- Arriving into the UK to begin your Chevening Fellowship
- Celebrating 40 years
- Chevening Alumni Association Toolkit
- Chevening applicant helpdesk
- Chevening complaints and anti-fraud policy
- Chevening Conference 2020
- Chevening Conference 2021
- Chevening Conference 2022
- Chevening disciplinary policy and procedure for current scholars
- Chevening equality, diversity and consent training
- Chevening Impact Report 2022-2023: Fellow stories
- Chevening Impact Report 2022-2023: Scholar stories
- Chevening in Russia
- Chevening Orientation 2023 – Frequently asked questions
- Chevening Orientation 2023 – Morning breakout sessions
- Chevening Resource Hub
- Alumni resources
- Chevening Alumni Programme Fund
- Communicating with executive presence
- How to create purpose from passion as a Chevener
- Making an impact
- Mastering the skills audit
- Preparing for leadership
- Promoting Chevening
- Request a Chevening promotions toolkit
- Share your Chevening impact
- Succeeding at Job Interviews: A Guide for Chevening Alumni
- The Alumni Charter
- The Chevening guide to shaping policy
- Unlocking the secrets of influencing
- Update your contact details
- Your Chevening community
- Alumni groups
- Social media and messaging policy
- Application guidance
- Are you ready to apply to Chevening?
- Boost your English writing skills for Chevening
- Chevening application criteria
- Chevening eligibility criteria
- Choosing a UK university course
- Common application errors
- English grammar skills required for Chevening
- How to apply to Chevening
- How to prepare your Chevening Scholarship application
- Preparing for your Chevening interview
- Preparing your UK university application
- References
- Strengthen your English language skills
- Widening your English vocabulary before Chevening
- Scholar support
- A Chevening glossary of UK university terms
- A Chevening guide to UK lectures
- A Chevening guide to UK university seminars
- Accommodation in the UK
- Adjusting to life in the UK
- Applying for your visa as a Chevening scholar
- Approaching the reading list as a Chevening Scholar in the UK
- Arriving in the UK
- Chevening policies
- Chevening travel quiz!
- Disability provision
- Events
- Get involved with Chevening
- Health and the NHS
- Hidden gems
- Internships
- Mastering critical thinking as a Chevening Scholar in the UK
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Planning your finances
- Preparing for Chevening
- Social media
- Steps to take before you leave
- Studying in a UK classroom
- Test your knowledge of UK culture!
- Travel during your Chevening year
- Travel to the UK
- Travelling home after your award
- Types of accommodation
- UK law and staying safe in person and online
- Volunteering
- What will my schedule look like as a Chevening Scholar in the UK?
- Working in the UK
- Travel
- Get support and advice
- Alumni resources
- Chevening safeguarding policy
- Chevening Treasure Hunt resources
- Code of conduct & reporting an incident
- Contact us confirmation
- Cookie policy
- Current Cheveners
- Distinction: The Chevening Magazine
- Education, skills, gender and equality
- Employers
- Equality and diversity induction confirmation
- FAQs
- Fellowship visa costs
- Finance – Fellowships
- Find volunteering opportunities
- Frequently asked questions
- Giving your time
- Global 40th celebrations
- Health and wellbeing – Fellowships
- Home
- Information for applicants
- International Students House
- Internship opportunity with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development
- Living in the UK – Fellowships
- News and blogs
- Partner with us
- Photos from the archive
- Pledge to tackle climate change
- Policies for 2021
- Procedures for scholars who are unwell
- Protecting your student visa
- Record your volunteering hours
- Scholar events competition
- Sitemap
- Social media ambassadors
- Social media and messaging
- Subscribe to our newsletter
- Terms and conditions – Fellowships
- Terms and conditions 2021 – Chevening bilateral awards
- The Connection
- Volunteering Awards Ceremony
- Welfare and immigration – Fellowships
- Culture shock
- Scholarships
- Tips for wellbeing
- Chevening in the community
- Fellowships
- Current fellows
- Chevening Energy Market Reform Fellowship
- Chevening Ethiopia Leadership Fellows (ELF)
- Chevening Healthcare, Health Policy, and Health Reform Fellowship
- Chevening LSE Fellows
- Chevening South Asia Journalism Programme (SAJP) Fellows
- Chevening South Asia Journalism Programme (SAJP) Fellows 2023-24
- Chevening Western Balkans Cyber Security Fellows 2022-23
- Meet our Chevening British Library Fellow 2022-23
- Meet our Chevening British Library Fellows
- Chevening Clore Leadership Fellowship
- Chevening Gurukul Fellows
- Chevening India Cyber Security Fellowship
- Chevening OCIS Fellowship and OCIS Abdullah Gül Fellowship
- Chevening Research, Science, and Innovation Leadership Fellowship (CRISP)
- Chevening Western Balkans Cyber Security Fellows
- Chevening Africa Media Freedom Fellows (CAMFF)
- Who can apply for a Chevening Fellowship?
- Find a programme
- Host a Chevening Fellowship
- Current fellows
- Health and wellbeing
- Chevening’s impact
- Annual report 2019/2020
- Chevening Alumna Laura Bafaletse revolutionises food production
- Code of conduct & reporting an incident
- Travel policy
- Code of Conduct and incident reporting guidance
- Courses
- Technical support